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Power supply for medical applications

With 78% efficiency


Power supply for medical applications

With 78% efficiency


Regulations for Use

 December 2010


We request that you read these regulations carefully before you make use of information from the PEWATRON AG website or the Online Shop. The agreement regulates your access to the internet platform of PEWATRON AG and your use of the information provided. By using the website you thereby consent to adhere to this agreement and acknowledge that it is binding for you.


Exemption from Liability

When using the information on this website of PEWATRON AG or the Online Shop you consent to the following regulations.


PEWATRON AG presents the entire content of this website and the Online Shop as it is at the disposal of the user, and without any explicitly stated or implicit guarantee.


All information on this website and the Online Shop serves merely as an aid without guaranteeing to be free from errors. PEWATRON AG rejects any guarantee for direct, indirect, side-effect or consequential damages, losses or costs, which result from the use of the information contained in this website or the Online Shop.


PEWATRON AG does not accept any liability or responsibility for the content of websites which are connected to the PEWATRON AG website or the Online Shop by links. Product images are only for orientation and can differ from the actual product.


PEWATRON AG does not accept any guarantee including the implied guarantee for usual trade quality or suitability for a specific purpose. PEWATRON AG does not accept any guarantee that the functions on this website or the Online Shop are free from interruptions or errors, that errors be corrected, or that this website, the Online Shop or the server are free from viruses or other harmful elements. PEWATRON AG accepts no guarantee for the content of this website or the Online Shop as to its correctness, accuracy, reliability, or of any other form.


Trade Marks and Copyright

All rights are reserved for intellectual property contained on this website and the Online Shop such as copyright, trade marks and patent rights. Access to the website and the Online Shop does not bestow any right to copying or use of any of the intellectual property of PEWATRON AG.


All content of this website and the Online Shop is offered exclusively for private or non-commercial use, with the proviso that neither the copyright notices nor other legally protected designations are removed.



All information communicated to PEWATRON AG via this website or the Online Shop remains permanently the property of PEWATRON AG. In the absence of a prior explicitly stated agreement to the contrary, PEWATRON AG is not bound to treat this information confidentially and is entitled to the full rights of ownership of this information without any kind of compensation to the supplier of the information.


User Identification and Password Protection

The user ID issued by PEWATRON AG and the corresponding password are to be dealt with as private and confidential. Passing it on to others or the common use of the user ID and password are strictly prohibited. Any infringement of this prohibition will result in the immediate blocking of access to the PEWATRON AG website, the Online Shop and also the liability for all damages which ensue to PEWATRON AG as a consequence of such an infringement. As owner of the password you are obliged to protect it against unauthorised use. PEWATRON AG may not be held responsible for alterations to your user ID or your password.


Commitment and Responsibility of the Client

Your access to the PEWATRON AG website and the Online Shop is restricted to the obtaining of information from PEWATRON AG, and this exclusively for lawful business purposes. Any accessing or attempted accessing of other computer systems of PEWATRON AG or other information in systems of PEWATRON AG is strictly prohibited. You agree to the obligation not to use any of the information contained on this website for other than lawful business purposes.


You accept all responsibilities and commitments in connection with the choice of PEWATRON AG, to obtain the results which you intend to. You accept all responsibilities and commitments in connection with decisions made on the basis of, or recommendations drawn from, the use of the PEWATRON AG website and the Online Shop, or derived from the content found on them, as well as for the content, the accuracy and the verification of these results, which also applies in regard to third parties.